Monday, April 21, 2014

Thoughtful Presence Spring Giveaway: Favorite Signs of Spring

I have many favorite signs of spring. You would think the first sign of spring is melting snow. But with the winter we've had this year (here in the midwest, and for many of you in other parts of the country as well), we are still seeing snow well into spring.

One of my favorite signs of spring, and definitely a first sign of spring, is the morning song of the birds in the trees outside our bedroom window. The first time you hear it, you're reminded of the winter silence and now you know spring is in the air.

Another of my favorite signs of spring is the buds and bulbs popping up from the ground in the garden. As spring fever hits, Ken and I have now taken to walking outside and peering down into the dirt searching for those first signs of "buddage".

The first day the temps go above 55, and you can smell spring in the air, is another favorite sign of mine. We usually then pull the grill out of the garage and excitedly plan our first BBQ menu of the season!  (Couldn't find a photo of Ken at the grill)

Flipping the calendar page to April - another favorite sign. We have a bunch of spring birthdays among our family and friends, so as soon as I turn the page to April, I get excited about Easter and Mother's Day and all of the birthdays (mine included!) that fall in between. (If you zoom in, you can see the two photos on the calendar are mine and Ken's birthdays!)

Adding one more to this list, a favorite sign of spring is beginning talks about camping! Ken always took a spring camping trip with the guys before we were married, and has done it on occasion since, but we more enjoy camping together and with groups of friends. Starting those plans and choosing new places to visit is on my list of favorite signs of spring.

Lastly, I came across this photo as I was putting together this post, and I cannot forget the most awesome sign of spring, when newborn bunnies are born in our backyard!

What's on your list? Give us your comments below and click on this link to enter our 
Join us on Facebook, enter the giveaway and you could win this:

Now, it's your turn.  Fill in the blank: You know it's spring when_________


  1. You know its spring when the flowers are in bloom and the birds are chrping!

    1. Thanks Melissa. These are two of my favorite signs of spring!

  2. You know it's Spring when my garden veggies start growing.

    1. Thanks Holly. Nothing better than fresh garden veggies!

  3. You know it's Spring when the Mesquite Trees in Texas start to leaf out.

  4. I know it's spring when I walk outside and my first thought is .. "wow now THIS is perfect weather" and then I go back inside and break out the short shorts. lol :)

    1. Oh yeah, break out the flip flops! Thanks Kimberly.

  5. You know it is Spring when you can finally set out on your balcony and read a good book and not freeze to death.

  6. I know it's Spring when I hear the Spring Peepers

    1. Love the Peepers. My husband wants a pond Thanks Amy.

  7. You know its spring when flowers start to bloom and the birds show up for more seed:)

    1. Thanks Cylina. By us, they start building their nests!

  8. I know it's spring when I not seeing anymore of the white stuff..

  9. You know it is spring when you see the flowers blooming and people out and about jogging and running

  10. You know it is Spring when the flowers are blooming and you can feel so many new beginnings.

  11. I know it's spring when my son switches from playing computer games to playing outside

  12. You know it's spring when the flowers start to bloom!


Feel free to chime in. We love comments!