Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sweets For Your Sweetest

October 20th is Sweetest Day, often thought of as the secondary Valentine's Day.  Although I like to think of Sweetest Day more as a day to share some good quality time with someone you love, be it a spouse, companion, friend or family member.  And if that quality time can include a sweet treat, then there you have it - Sweetest Day!

Here are my recommendations for your something sweet to be shared:
  1. Go to a movie and have your favorite movie theater candy.  My fave is red licorice.
  2. Go to your favorite coffee shop and have a pumpkin spice latte and a chocolate cupcake.  At least, that would be my pick!
  3. Spend your quality time at home and bake cookies - pumpkin or chocolate chip anyone?
  4. If it is not too cold where you are, go out for ice cream.  Get three scoops of your favorite flavor.  (Okay, I've never really ordered 3 scoops!)
  5. Enjoy a nice relaxing dinner and save room for dessert - of course!
What's your pick for your sweet treat?


  1. Hi Mary -

    Tried to submit this on the 'Contact Us' form on your site but ran into an error...

    Just wanted to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I really like the watercolor gift tags, too...grateful for talented designers who share free printables with us! Thanks also for sharing your idea for making gift tags out of old cards. I agree it's a shame to waste the beautiful mail that's sent out at Christmas. Glad you've found a way to make them last a little longer!

    I can see from your site that you're passionate about gift-giving, too. Best of luck to you and your business!


  2. Charissa, thanks for your reply. And thanks for letting me know about the error on our contact form. I'm having it looked at right now. All the best to you, and I'll be visiting your blog often :)


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