Thursday, August 15, 2013

10 Fun Healthy Snacks for Kids

With back-to-school in full swing, you may well be challenged with the planning and preparation of fun snacks for kids. Don't grab every box of cupcakes, cookies, Doritos and Cheetos you can find. Opt instead for delicious and healthy snacks that are so easy to prepare, the kids will have fun helping, or may even do it themselves!  Try this top 10 list of fun healthy snacks for kids of all ages!  Toddler, tween, teen, and young adults alike will enjoy preparing and indulging in these after school or anytime snacks.  In fact, even us middle-aged grown-ups enjoy all of these mouth-watering snacks!

Try these in late summer or early spring:
  1. Pretzels and hummus - As simple as having a bag of pretzels and a container of hummus on hand.  Pull them out of the pantry and fridge and dip away!
  2. Frozen juice pops - An extension of summer: either buy ready made all natural juice pops or pick up your own ice pop mold and plan to make these often in the future.  Simply pour in fresh juice and freeze. 
  3. Smoothies - In a smoothie maker or blender, mix together yogurt, a small bit of milk, fresh fruit of your choice, half a banana, and a handful of ice cubes. Blend and serve.
  4. Yogurt parfait - Mix together a cup of yogurt with chopped fresh fruit of choice and sprinkle with granola.
  5. Flavored popcorn - Make fresh or microwave popcorn and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and an herb seasoning.  Mix in a handful of goldfish crackers if desired.

Save these for fall or winter:
  1. Trail mix - Buy already prepared or mix your own: peanuts, raisins, sunflower seeds, dried apricots, and chocolate chips.  Feel free to substitute any of the above for an equally healthy option!
  2. Sliced apples with peanut butter and honey - Mix a teaspoon of honey with a couple tablespoons of peanut butter in a cup.  Dip apple slices and enjoy.  Tastes just like a taffy apple!
  3. Toasted English muffin topped with peanut butter, banana slices, honey, and chopped walnuts.
  4. Berry oatmeal muffins - Okay, this one takes a recipe, but still simple to mix together.  Find my favorite recipe here.
  5. Mini baked sandwiches - Start with a small dinner roll.  Spread both sides with margarine and Dijon mustard. Top with sliced turkey and cheddar cheese (or ham and Swiss cheese).  Wrap in foil and bake for 5-8 minutes at 350 degrees.
Okay, really, you can eat these anytime of year, but some do feel very seasonal, don't they? Enjoy!

Have a happy day!

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