Thursday, November 13, 2014

10 Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do on World Kindness Day

Today is World Kindness Day, and no matter your age, location, or occupation, there's something you can do today to spread a little kindness. You very well might be doing some of these every day, and if so, I commend you. World Kindness Day is intended to raise awareness of how small acts of kindness can make a huge difference and to encourage practicing small acts of kindness.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. As you go about your day, make it a point to share a smile and a greeting with strangers you encounter - at the office, grocery store, or gas station. Just a little smile will make a big difference to someone who might be having a bad day.
  2. Bring a little treat to share at your work place.
  3. Make a donation today to your favorite charity.
  4. Leave prime parking space for others today.
  5. Bring a neighbor a small treat or flowers and wish them a happy day.
  6. Stop inside a nearby church and say a special prayer for kindness and peace around the world.
  7. Sign up for a volunteer project today.
  8. If you're out shopping, ask the cashier how their day is going. Tell them today is World Kindness Day and pay it forward.
  9. Clean out a closet and donate some things you no longer need.
  10. Practice patience on the road. Yield and take it slowly. has many other great ideas and inspiring stories. Take a few minutes to read and be inspired.

Have a happy day!

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